
Brand Strategy

Branding & Design

  • Visual Identity

  • Brand Activation

Web Design

Project Brief

Taco Habitat

Taco Habitat stands out from the crowd as more than just an ordinary taco joint. This fast casual Mexican restaurant is devoted to serving a unique menu that will ignite your taste buds.

Fueled by a mission to make a difference, Taco Habitat's passion goes beyond their delicious food. They embrace sustainability by utilizing eco-conscious products at every turn, all aimed at leaving a positive impact.

Our collaboration brought Taco Habitat's brand mission to life through a captivating visual identity and web presence. Together, we crafted a compelling story that encapsulates Taco Habitat's environmental aspirations in a digestible and impactful manner, ensuring their message resonates with their audience.

Brand Strategy

Given Taco Habitat's strong emphasis on sustainability, our approach to the brand strategy was rooted in storytelling. Our challenge was to effectively communicate their complex narrative in a simple and scalable manner for effective positioning in the marketplace today.

With a keen understanding of the importance of sustainability in fostering customer loyalty, we made it our priority to infuse Taco Habitat's brand mission into every aspect of the visual identity and web design.

Visual Identity

Taco Habitat's brand essence is perfectly captured by their tagline, "Save the world: eat a taco." The logo, symbolizing the fusion of the world and a taco, is accompanied by playful typography that exudes an urban vibe, drawing inspiration from the business's shipping containers restaurant locations.

To appeal to a young-adult audience and ensure scalability, a vibrant color palette was carefully chosen for the visual identity. The modular logo design offers versatility, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from social media profiles to prominent billboards.

With the identity we crafted, Taco Habitat stands out from the competition in their service areas, making a bold statement that resonates with their target audience.

Brand Activation

As part of our collaboration with Taco Habitat, we developed a comprehensive set of brand activation assets following the business launch to effectively promote the Taco Habitat brand.

These assets encompassed various mediums, including vehicle wraps, billboards, meal packaging, and menu design. Each element strategically emphasized the sustainable practices embraced by the business while maintaining a vibrant and captivating atmosphere.

Closing Thoughts

Our partnership's development of a distinctive brand identity has established trust and credibility for Taco Habitat in a competitive market. By effectively communicating their pro-environmental ambitions as well, we have positioned them as a standout choice, captivating customers and setting them apart from the competition.

Ready to stand out & catch attention?